Recently I was on a trip to Philly. The first thoughts that went through my mind were to get a good cheesesteak, go to DiNic's for a famous roast pork sandwich and pick up some Russian River beer. Well I got there to late to go to DiNic's, couldn't find a good cheesesteak place near me and I needed to go somewhere to get away from the smell. Lets just sasy that Philly smells intertesting . . . sorry Philly people. I pulled out my trusty phone and typed beer into the google maps search menu. After searching through options of places that only served beer for the masses I stumbled upon one called Monk's Cafe.
This rang a bell because I remebered having a sour beer by this name before. So my friend and I decided to give this place a try. After walking several blocks we finally found it. After figuring out how to get into the place, the door seemed lock but it turned out I just needed to be smarter than what I was working with, we took a seat at the bar and were greeted with a beer menu that was about 12 pages long. In contrast the food menu was 3-4 pages long and we actually had to ask for that one. The first beer on order was their flagship beer. It is a flemish sour ale brewed specifically for Monk's Cafe over in Belgium. It was absolutley amazing! Refreshing and crisp with a sour, almost vinegar, flavor to it but with a tatse sour cherries. It pours a dark brown with only a light floating head. This might seem like a little much for some of you beer drinkers but don't fear the sour. On a hot summer day this is just what you need. It is so thirst quenching that I actually had to stop my self from chugging several glasses in a row.

P.S. Of course every beer place I went to after Monk's Cafe was out of Russian River . . . awesome.